you-we are not alone/spain

you-we are not alone/spain

Dear Immigrant Brothers and Sisters:

As these days of lockdown caused by Covid 19 are being extended, I want to tell you that from the 13th, I am at your service by means of : (WhatsApp 647265838, video calls and email: and diazcortesconsuelo

To many immigrants with NIE (tax identification number), I have sent the application that the Board sent me for harvesting jobs.

Hours of service: from Monday to Friday, 11:30 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 19:00.

This situation is making us feel insecure, unhappy, and especially,  sad and worried when we see how many people are suffering because of this pandemia which is affecting all of humanity. At the same time, I do not lose HOPE because I know that “THE MERCY OF THE LORD IS ETERNAL AND HE WILL NOT ABANDON THE WORK OF HIS HANDS”

“This disease has not only deprived us of human closeness, but also of the possibility of receiving in person the consolation that flows from the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and Reconciliation. In many countries, it has not been possible to approach them, but the Lord has not left us alone!” (Pope. Francis)

Without a doubt, God wants to tell us something by means of this harsh reality.

When we finally emerge from this situation that at times seems more like a “disaster movie” than a pandemic because it seems unbelievable that it could happen in the twenty-first century, I don’t know if we will be better persons, but what I am sure of is that everything will be different.

Possibly it is “a call” from the Lord to make us aware that while we inhabitants of the First world live like “kings,” in the Third World there are countries that don’t even have potable water.

Often I pray “for the sick, for those who live alone, those who are unemployed, those who work for the benefit of all, at risk to their own lives, those who have lost a loved one, the elderly, the immigrants who experience the loneliness of being in a foreign country and work at times in inhuman conditions, the “undocumented” who were dismissed from their jobs because of the fear of their employers, the refugees who wait by the wayside for some country to “give them a hand…”

Also I want to remember especially: Svetlana, Juana, Sara, Maria, Kuchi, Rabia and many other immigrants who work as live-in caregivers for the elderly and have spent 39 days without being able to leave because none of the relatives has come by, and in some cases none of them has even called. Some of these workers have children of their own whom they haven’t seen because they haven’t been at home.

I also want to remember little Zacarias, an 8 year old child (about whom I wrote in 2015) who is in a life and death struggle with leukemia as well as with the corona virus.

The Gospel of Luke says: “Lord, teach us to pray.” Let us make good use of these moments that we are experiencing in order to ask Him to take pity on us. Let us remember the promise that Jesus made to His disciples “I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU ORPHANS…” (Jn. 14:15)

“Jesus Christ has risen!” Alleluia!!! Alleluia!!!

“Like a new flame this Good News springs up in the night: the night of a world already faced with epochal challenges and now oppressed by a pandemic severely testing our whole human family. In this night, the Church’s voice rings out: “Christ, my hope, has arisen!”  (from the message of Pope Francis, April 12)


Parish of Nuestra Señora de Loreto (Cádiz)

Consuelo Díaz aci