WDMR: “to involve in order to promote”

WDMR: “to involve in order to promote”

Today, we invite you to watch the fifth, newly released video, in which the Holy Father explores the sub-theme “To involve in order to promote”.  It offers the real-life testimony of an internally displaced person who, thanks to his experience of life, discovered his calling and now can understand IDPs more than others.

REMEMBERING US, SISTERS AND ACI FAMILY, THE GUIDELINES TO BE FRUITFUL JOINING THIS INITIATIVE: We invite you to dedicate a meeting in your community or group to read the Message, and in the dynamic of Magis in which we want to continue becoming involved with persons in the situation of Human Migration-displacement, share about the following points:

  1. What more can we do along the lines of knowing in order to understand?
  2. Do we want to take some risks in order to serve our neighbor?
  3. To whom are we going to listen in the dynamic of reconciliation?
  4. In order to grow it is necessary to share, and how do we grow in the Eucharistic Life?
  5. Involvement is necessary in order to promote. How can we overcome the “Handout mentality” in favor of mentality of promotion?
  6. Collaboration is necessary in order to build. Do we know with whom in our surroundings we can collaborate in order to serve and accompany people in the situation of migration?

If these reflections lead you to TAKE A FURTHER STEP, share it!