FRATELLI TUTTI. Echoes of hope ring out (n.54)

FRATELLI TUTTI. Echoes of hope ring out (n.54)

In this new Encyclical, Pope Francis sends us an urgent call to fraternity and social friendship to overcome these moments of difficulty that our world is experiencing. It reminds us of our “common belonging” that makes us brothers and sisters, which is expressed through attitudes of kindness and understanding, in acts of help, generosity and dedication in times of need.

It is a selfless affection towards other human beings, without taking into account our differences, so that they become assets and not obstacles.

Let’s get to know it and make it known!

In order to help with in-depth reflection and dissemination we offer in the following links a video, a review, a brief panorama and nine infographics, all of which are materials shared by the Holy See.