The Synod for the Amazon has published its Final Document and we want to echo it.
From n. 12 in which it is asked to specifically address the phenomenon of migration,
12. The phenomenon of migration must be addressed. There are three simultaneous migratory flows in the Amazon Region. First, the traditional mobility of indigenous groups in their territories, which are now separated by national and international borders. Secondly, the forced displacement of indigenous peoples, peasants and river dwellers from their territories, whose final destination tends to be the poorest and worst areas of the cities. Thirdly, forced inter-regional migration and the phenomenon of refugees forced to leave their countries (Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba, among others) who need to cross the Amazon as a migratory corridor.
We could say that migration is one of the cross-cutting themes of the Final Document of the Synod for the Amazon and for this reason we consider it a resource that can illuminate the deep and far-reaching understanding of the migration phenomenon.
The need to accompany migrant populations is addressed (n.20), there is talk of a Church with a migrant face (n.29), of young people who dream of better living conditions (n.31) and therefore migrate so many times to the city (n.34) and are left in such vulnerable conditions, of the Indigenous Peoples in Isolation, often migrating fleeing from abuse (n.49), of the importance of strengthening family ties, especially to migrant women (n. 102) and finally expresses in the field of synodality that the migration problem needs to be tackled in a coordinated manner by the border churches (n.113)