
entrada_Libros apuntes (mediano)


Between 2015 and 2016 the Spiritual Writings as well as the Manuscripts of St. Raphaela Mary were edited and published in Spanish as well as in their translations into Italian and French. Today we are happy to announce that what we have been awaiting for so long is now a reality – the publication of the version in English. As S. Inmaculada Yáñez stated when it was published in Spanish, included in the Spiritual Notes are those manuscripts that express St. Raphaela’s personal experiences; others, labelled “autographs,” are excerpts copied from spiritual writers, prayers taken from the liturgy and from Christian tradition, etc. Also included are prayers derived from Psalms. Some are considered originals whose intense biblical inspiration almost equates them with paraphrases; others are composed short fragments taken from various texts.

For all of us who drink from the fountain of the charism of St. Raphaela Mary, this is an occasion for “returning to the sources,” and entering into the soul of a woman whose experience of God was not revealed through great works or words, but through her life. The Servant of God, Pedro Arrupe, in the prologue to her life said: “She loved with a solid and ardent love, a love that permeated her life, and her entire life was lived in love, even – and especially – in the most difficult moments.”

Curia General. ROMA