Refoulement (expulsion) – Also known as “deportation” or, in some cases, “expulsion”, refoulement is the act by which, under an order of deportation, expulsion or refoulement, a State compels an alien to leave its territory and returns him or her to his or her country of origin or to a third country following a refusal of entry or the expiry of his or her permission to remain in the country.

Refoulement of aliens is a manifestation of the sovereignty of the State to determine who may enter and remain in its territory. There are several principles of international law, in particular the principle of non-refoulement, which limit State sovereignty in this regard.

International law also sets out rules governing how refoulement should be carried out. Refunds must be carried out in a manner that protects the dignity of the person. In this regard, the use of force must be exceptional and limited to what is reasonably necessary; the life or physical integrity of the person must not, under any circumstances, be endangered.
