In the Atlantic Europe Province responding to what Intermediate Meeting X asked us to do:
“To opt for a commitment that makes visible the path of ecological conversion as an Institute. Each circumscription, according to its context, chooses an option that
- expresses the commitment to care for the earth and the poor
- affects all
- enters into community projects and can be evaluated
- is sustained over time
- becomes a habit
- will be noticed in our lifestyle.”
We have chosen: PLASTIC FREE! Our commitment will be to reduce the use of disposable single-use plastic to zero.
The proposal is as follows:
1. Each community will make a diagnosis, to detect everything that is used daily and that has single-use plastic.
2. Each community will decide the steps they want to take, trying to eliminate its use of single-use plastic.
At the end of the year it will be evaluated.
Thus, each community starts at the point where it is and then takes steps. In addition, this commitment can create a very good dynamic for sharing good practices, ideas and suggestions and help each other to stay motivated and sensitive to the problem, aware of the environmental and social consequences of the consumption and excessive use of plastic.
This commitment as a province will be included in the JPIC Plan of each community/community project, giving continuity to the plan that each community has made last year, so that it can be evaluated at the end of the year.
To help keep this commitment alive and to give it more meaning, it is also proposed to pray for the “disposable people” of this world as Pope Francis proposes, and to recover the practice of the Ignatian ecological examination.