21 May 20 trees and counting. Laudato Si’ Week/ Indonesia
Today I planted 20 saplings! All of them tropical fruit trees! And at the end of the day I heard that the Pope has proclaimed Laudato Si’ year, coinciding with Laudato Si’ Week, 5 years after the encyclical.
What great news! A confirmation of the new mission possibilities opening up in this corner of the island of Borneo. This week we have visited a 4 hectare property belonging to the diocese. The new parish priest, who is very enthusiastic about Our Common Home, has a diary where he registers and “accompanies” each tree that he plants on this land — there are already 2,090 of them! He wants us to get involved to “develop it” to plant, do eco-camping with young people, family vegetable gardens…more bamboo.
We are accepting it as a new opportunity to do something concrete, and with many hands working the land, to make Laudato Si a reality… All ideas are welcome.
Ana Pina, aci