04 Jul first vows in cochabamba
On the 1st of July, anniversary of M. Pilar’s definitive encounter with the Lord, we had the great joy of celebrating the First Vows of our sister Stefanny Coronel in the school chapel in Cochabamba. It was a ceremony marked by the deep significance of every detail, in the dynamic of giving thanks to the Lord for so much good received. The novitiate community of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was joined by the families who live in our community/school, the Missionary sisters of the Inmaculate Conception who were on retreat, and Fr. Agustín Rivarola SJ who presided. By virtual means we were united with the participative presence of Stefanny’s family, her co-novices, friends, pastoral groups and sisters from the communities of the Province.
Stefanny’s first vows are the culmination of a path in which she has welcomed God’s love poured into her heart by the Holy Spirit which has freed and transformed her, and has attracted her to following Jesus giving her entire life as a Handmaid of his Heart. Her whole being overflows with the deep desire to share with others the Good News of this God who inspires and fulfils her, in the perspective of our charism. Let us give thanks for this sign of hope that shines in the darkness of our times.
Eileen Fitzerald, aci