Although since the beginning of our presence here, we had invited them, the people of Sukaria were still not accustomed to making adoration with us. We always kept the door of the chapel open during the time of adoration, but the most that the people would do was… ask us to pray for them. Normally we would make adoration in the morning, because as there were only two of us, with the activities in the afternoon and the children freely “coming in and out of our house,” it was not very easy.
However, during the time of lockdown, in which we had practically no activities, we decided to make adoration in the afternoon and again invite the women. We planned to have a prepared adoration two days. We wanted to facilitate their participation, for some days it rained, and on others they had something in their families… and so at least one day, they could come.
Two women began … and afterwards three … though not too regularly. However, during these last weeks the number has increased, and the interesting thing is that they are the ones promoting it, going from house to house to invite others. They don’t always manage to convince them, but the attitude and effort to go to call upon the others is really good! One of the women tells us that she always walks to adoration, so that people have the chance to ask, “where are you going?” and when she answers that she is going to adoration, she invites them. And little by little… whether from curiosity (why does my neighbor like to go to pray with the Sisters?) or from the desire to pause for a while… the group has increased, and some young girls also come.
Everything happened very spontaneously, like a small seed… that now has a lot of sprouts!
At times we think that the people still don’t know because we are in a very beginning phase of evangelization, or that it is difficult for them, or that it requires great preparations. What we are experiencing is that the people need only to receive a bit of encouragement and space where they can draw near to Jesus, to share and pray for their families and everyday matters. Perhaps they had been wanting to do this for quite some time… and only now were they able to concretize it.
Among the younger girls, some have finished secondary school, and now are back in the village. The desire to pray and be in silence is growing… and they like to participate and present intentions. Some like to help us to prepare the chapel when we are decorating it. It has been surprise for us, but for God, who works in the heart of each person… nothing is impossible! And now they are coming two days for adoration!
After Adoration we have some simple refreshments, or some days they help us to plant flowers in our garden. There is always an opportunity to chat about some topic of education, of relationships in the local community, about the Church, etc.
It is “a step further” — small but moving forward, in this desire to put into practice the call of the GC about the Eucharist. The desire of St. Raphaela that “all may know and love him and adore him present in the Eucharist” is becoming a reality today in Sukaria. Bringing the people to Jesus, respecting their rhythms… being attentive to listen, to welcome and to share daily life — just that! It is a challenge, a call at each moment, and so we want to continue to live it. And we give thanks to God for it!
Ana Pina aci