Our identity as educators impels us to welcome with renewed enthusiasm the Global Compact on Education launched by Pope Francis recently through this VIDEO. This compact is offered as an invitation to dialogue about the way in which we are building the future of the planet and about the need to invest the talents of all, because every change requires an educational path that makes a new universal solidarity and a more welcoming society mature.
Pope Francis pointed out some days ago: “The consecrated life has always been at the forefront of the educational task. In every age there have emerged different charisms that, by the gift of God, have been able to meet the needs and challenges of each time and place. Today the Church calls upon them to renew that resolution in the light of their own identity, and I thank those who have taken on this witness with such determination and enthusiasm. Because, at this moment in history, the Consecrated life must be an essential part of the Global Educational Pact.”
Education in the faith and the Pedagogy of the Heart, which characterize all of our actions, are in line with the seven essential commitments of the Global compact on Education:
- To place the person, his/her value, dignity, at the center of every educational process, formal and informal, in order to make his/her uniqueness, beauty, and individuality stand out, as well as his/her capacity for relating to others and to the reality that surrounds him/her, rejecting those life styles that foster the spread of the throwaway culture.
- To listen to the voice of the children, adolescents and youth to whom we transmit values and knowledge, in order to build together a future of justice and peace, a life of dignity for each person.
- To foster the full participation of girls and young women in education.
- To consider the family the first and indispensable educator.
- To educate and to educate ourselves in order to welcome, opening ourselves out to the most vulnerable and neglected.
- To commit ourselves to study in order to find other forms of understanding economy, politics, growth and progress, so that they may be truly at the service of mankind and of the entire human family from the perspective of integral ecology.
- To safeguard and cultivate our Common Home, protecting its resources from exploitation, adopting more sober life styles and taking advantage of renewable energies, respecting the human and natural environment, following the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity and of the circular economy.
COMPLETE VIDEO OF THE EVENT “Global Compact on Education. Together to Look Beyond”