26 Feb Eyes wide open to human trafficking/SPAIN
The Diocese of Cádiz and Ceuta joined in this prayer and reflection against “Human Trafficking” by telematic means, since this year due to COVID, it has not been possible to celebrate as in previous years.
It should be noted that this Diocese has always been very sensitive to all these unfair situations. For many years there has been the Diocesan Secretariat for Migration that has worked and works intensely with these groups (migrants, refugees, women, minors …)
The Church has dramatically increased its commitment and work with victims of “human trafficking”, in a few years networking has multiplied. Many Dioceses have been fully involved together with religious congregations and qualified personnel. This is called: “Iglesia en Salida”
TRAFFICKING IN PEOPLE: (Purchase and sale of human beings)
Trafficking affects practically everyone. The data tells us that in 137 states, victims from 129 countries have been exploited.
It is one of the most depraved and illicit businesses with great income worldwide, with Europe being one of the largest beneficiaries sourcing from the most vulnerable population. It is the most shameful and degrading activity in today’s society.
The pandemic is causing great damage: pain, uncertainty and depression in the most vulnerable groups. Many have lost their jobs.
Sometimes I wonder if I am taking care of an honest employer or a pimp, because they ask me questions that are very strange at times (age, country, address …), I listen with suspicion and fear because I know that in the province there are some than other prostitution networks and in Cádiz rented flats whose owners are pimps.
Upon suspicion, I do not provide any information.
I am very concerned about the loss of employment of migrants because there are many families who are in great economic difficulties and before losing their documentation they are able to accept any job without knowing what it specifically consists of. Some tell me that the job offers that are made to them have nothing to do with reality. I make this known to the different groups.In Associations and NGOs we must have “VERY OPEN EYES” to this reality. “Let us denounce injustices from a preferential option for the poor. Let us denounce every situation contrary to God’s plan”
Unfortunately, the buying and selling of people is the largest business that exists today worldwide along with drugs.
Consuelo Diaz, aci