02 Feb GC XXI. We walk together…looking upon the world with hope
Today, on the World Day of Consecrated Life, we began General Congregation XXI with a prayer in the chapel, presenting to the Lord the current reality of all the circumscriptions of the Institute along with a symbol of each country where we are present. We prayed that hope would touch the reality of each circumscription, community, and mission.
After the prayer, we went to the hall where the Superior General welcomed us and encouraged us to allow ourselves to be guided by the Spirit, the Spirit of union, to live this fraternal meeting with joy, seeking together the best for the Institute.
Sisters Inmaculada Romero and Inés Greslebin were elected Secretary and Vice-Secretary respectively, and Sister Sandra Pinto was elected Assistant Secretary. Sisters María José Tuñón and Daniela Concetti will be the moderators for the discussion of the postulates, and Sister Inés Oleaga, the moderator for the main theme.
At noon, Fr. Javier Quinzá, SJ, celebrated the Eucharist for the Day of Consecrated Life. In his homily, he spoke to us about the Heart of Christ that always directs itself to our heart to renew it, to transform it, and to make us people who give ourselves fully to others. Before Jesus in the Eucharist, who reminds us that “to give life costs life,” we renewed our vows together, with the desire to continue to put everything at the service of his Kingdom, without fear, holding nothing back. We closed the day with adoration, giving thanks for so much good received through our convocation.
We lived this day with joy and gratitude for the gift of Consecrated Life in communion with the sisters spread throughout the Institute. We feel that you are all very present with us, and we continue to count on your prayers.
On our part, we will do everything we can to share with you what we are experiencing.
With love
Information Team: Rocio Valdez, Ana Pina, and Jessica Kerber