On the day we celebrated the Epiphany, the manifestation of God to all people without distinction of race, language, religion, culture… we began the celebration of the centenary of the definitive Easter of St. Raphaela Mary with a Eucharist in the Church of the Sacro Cuore in Rome.

As we said in the introductory monition, what we celebrated was her encounter in fullness with the God of LIFE, with the God she loved passionately. Under the motto “100 years and you continue to bear fruit”, during this year we want to give thanks for the legacy of St. Raphaela, to deepen our appreciation of her legacy, to deepen our understanding of her life. Saint Raphaela, to deepen in what her way of following Jesus teaches us today and to celebrate all the life received from her surrender.

St. Raphaela dreamed from this place with a universal Institute, and we, as continuers of this dream, feel committed today with the desire to go always further, to be where our presence is most needed, where it is most necessary to encourage and care for life…