25 Jul “A movie camp” in Burgos / Spain
On July 6 we began the volunteer program Servir Juntos 2020 (Serve Together 2020) in collaboration with Atalaya Intercultural in Burgos, with children of immigrant parents. Some of the children are already Spanish, but there are other more recent arrivals who don’t know our language or customs. The mornings consisted of fun and tutoring, which permits the children to continue the learning that they have missed during these recent months due to lack of access to computers and because their parents were unable to help them due to the language and lack of formal education.
We had two groups of urban camps, from 10 to 14 hours. The theme was “Movie Camp”. Every day we worked on a value: camaraderie, friendship, and teamwork. We always began the day with a short meeting of the leaders with a time for prayer in order to gain momentum and to ask Jesus to help us in our morning activities.

These activities give us a great deal of satisfaction. We don’t view them as “poor vulnerable kids” but as happy children; they enjoy themselves, they laugh, they play, they quarrel, they want to compete, to become strong men and women who can deal with life that is wonderful but at times challenging.