23 Feb GC XXI. LIGHT to keep walking together…
This week we continue in our joint searches through the work of the postulates, with prolonged reflections and in an atmosphere of discernment. The work groups are also meeting and advancing what will later be presented to the assembly.
On Monday afternoon, Daniel Villanueva s.j., executive Vice-president of Entreculturas and Responsible for the Cooperation area of the Society of Jesus in Spain spoke to us regarding the theme: “WORKING IN INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS – CHALLENGES OF A UNIVERSAL MISSION”.
He shared that networking is an apostolic way of proceeding that allows regional and global collaboration at the service of the universal mission, raising the apostolic structures to a new level with global impact.
In his presentation, he referred to four fundamental aspects:
1. Networks as opportunities to channel a new culture of collaboration and collective action, enabling new apostolic responses.
2. The future of the apostolic map is not the creation of new institutions but rather the creative combination of the current ones.
3. Collaboration and networking expand the possibilities of our mission, to reach out and respond where we could not do so alone.
4. The importance of leading change with creativity and imagination.
On Wednesday afternoon, the Digital Communication Team, formed by Sisters from different countries and contexts (Inés Oleaga, Gema Mascaraque (Spain), Anna Rita Bozzetti (Italy), Florencia González (Argentina-Uruguay), Catherine Kirwan-Avila (USA), Alexandra Gérard (Europe-Atlantic), Dorethi Dabre (India), and Anabel Medina (Peru-Bolivia)), spoke to us about the great challenge of digital evangelization today. They shared four lessons they have learned in this digital world, which is called the “sixth continent”, with all its complexity. Whether we like it or not, we are in “the time of the digital social network: we live in it, we exist in it, even a part of our faith is digital”.
The possibilities that are opening up for our mission in this digital evangelization require the involvement of the Provinces, a team of people with a passion for media and a lot of dedication, because it is important that we not fall behind!
They also humorously reminded us that if they were alive today, St. Raphaela, St. Paul and even St. Ignatius would encourage us to use these means to be able to reach more people with an ever universal heart!
The Sisters of Europe-Atlantic prepared an adoration based on the text of the flight to Egypt, inviting us to walk together with the poorest, the excluded, the least… “Walking” implies three movements: TO GO OUT, to set out on a journey with brothers and sisters, with the whole human family to which I belong, TO WELCOME, to welcome the other, as a unique gift of God, and TO REMAIN, which implies fidelity in daily surrender in the concrete reality of our life.
The Vice-Province of the Philippines invited us to ask for the grace of LIGHT for our world so much in need of hopes and dreams that fill the heart. We shared our prayer petition as we passed a candle among all of us, symbol of the current of hope and light that we want to bring to our world.
On Wednesday, we ended the day with an Adoration prepared by the Region of Africa, giving thanks for all that was shared that day. We remain in love; we taste and feel the love of God, a love that requires a faithful commitment, a great love that lasts until death…and beyond!