
“Meeting spaces are being transformed into spaces where women are helping each other. At each meeting, more people interested in participating are appearing… We are creating spaces for young women where knowledge can be shared, with psychological support. All referring to women, family and gender...

Migrants in Japan is all about ‘the deepening of a life of faith’ during this time of Pandemic For the first two weeks, the people were still all right and did not complain. Actually, the migrants were enjoying lockdown, because at least they could rest and...

Covid pandemic hit Vietnam for the first time on January 23rd 2020 according to the government record. Since then, two outbreaks strongly affected Vietnamese society and widening the gaps for the poor to approach public services and subside from the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids...

The Diocese of Cádiz and Ceuta joined in this prayer and reflection against "Human Trafficking" by telematic means, since this year due to COVID, it has not been possible to celebrate as in previous years. It should be noted that this Diocese has always been very...

Many years ago, the sisters repeated this prayer to God at the end of the day: "Enlarge our hearts, enlarge our families and make us homes." And I believe that this request was made and is coming true in many ways. In February 2016, I arrived...

With only 10 years remaining to achieve the 2030 Agenda, accelerated action in addressing the inter-linkages between three pillars of sustainable development, social, economic, and environmental, is essential. Migration and displacement remain among the adenda’s largestcross cutting issues which have the potential to aid and...