
Since four yours ago, the CONFER (Conference of Religious) of Spain, together with other ecclesiastical bodies such as Caritas, SJM and the Bishop’s Sub-commission on Migration formed the Red Migrantes con Derechos (Network: Migrants with Rights), a network of Church organizations that work with migrants...

The pandemic and the lockdown has dealt a harsh blow to the economy of the country, and those most affected have been the immigrants. They were soon left unemployed, and therefore, without any way of subsistence. Many gathered in front of their embassies to ask...

Some 10 years ago the Sisters of the US Province became aware of UNANIMA International, a Non- governmental Organization, an NGO, advocating for those on the fringes of society. UNANIMA’ s work takes place primarily at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.  There many...

Handmaids in all five communities of the US have been feeding birds for many years. This year during the Season of Creation we learned their essential importance in the total ecosystem. By exploring the commitment of AUDUBON SOCIETY we have understood that birds do much more...

Today we present a practical Guide to continue encouraging our commitment to integral ecological conversion. In 2015 at the time of the publication of the encyclical Laudato Si, the Interdicasterial Working Group of the Holy See on Integral Ecology was created with the purpose of analyzing...

Project – San Francisco Javier School of Cerro Navia As has happened in so many of our surroundings, the pandemic has dealt a devastating blow not only to health but also to many other aspects of people’s lives. In our neighborhood, in the district of Cerro...

We share in first person the testimony of Miguel, a young man from Venezuela who is being supported from the School of Bogota. I decided to begin to save to leave Venezuela in August of 2017, 8 months before beginning my journey to Colombia. The reasons...