Our identity as educators impels us to welcome with renewed enthusiasm the Global Compact on Education launched by Pope Francis recently through this VIDEO. This compact is offered as an invitation to dialogue about the way in which we are building the future of the...

“Cast the net to the right side, and you will find fish.” The joint search for the will of God can be summed up in these words: a community which vibrates together with the breath of the Holy Spirit. This very experience lived at the same...

In this new Encyclical, Pope Francis sends us an urgent call to fraternity and social friendship to overcome these moments of difficulty that our world is experiencing. It reminds us of our "common belonging" that makes us brothers and sisters, which is expressed through attitudes...

Today is a day of thanksgiving for the Region of Africa, a day of celebration and feasting In just one day we have experienced the nomination of the new Regional Superior, S. Euprasia Konde, as well as the first vows of Sr. Bonnet Pwanga.  The Region of...

On this very beautiful day of the Feast of the Assumption, a new region of The Institute has just been born in Vietnam. We prepared for this special event with 24 hours adoration in each community. Like Mary at the feet of Jesus, we bring...