07 Mar GC XXI. The One who began a good work…
Yesterday, March 6, was a day of "rest." For some, it was time to advance work in the commissions and have some meetings. Others were able to go for a walk around Madrid, chat...
Yesterday, March 6, was a day of "rest." For some, it was time to advance work in the commissions and have some meetings. Others were able to go for a walk around Madrid, chat...
We want to send our fraternal greetings to the ACI Family all over the world, a gift of the Spirit that unites us and makes us companions in mission, men and women of Hope. BLESSINGS ON THIS DAY! In the Congregation, we continue to progress...
This week we continue in our joint searches through the work of the postulates, with prolonged reflections and in an atmosphere of discernment. The work groups are also meeting and advancing what will later be presented to the assembly. AFTERNOONS OF ENLIGHTENMENT On Monday afternoon, Daniel...
We left in the early hours of Saturday morning with great enthusiasm for our visit to Pedro Abad and Córdoba. When we arrived in Cordoba, the Sisters of the community welcomed us with great joy! They had prepared an exquisite "miller's" breakfast for us, all...
For the last few days, we have been savoring, praying over, and discussing the richness not only of the material that has enlightened us (hope, social economy of solidarity, education, reparative dialogue, etc.), but also the particular mode that has been allowing certain nuances of...