Today is a day of thanksgiving for the Region of Africa, a day of celebration and feasting In just one day we have experienced the nomination of the new Regional Superior, S. Euprasia Konde, as well as the first vows of Sr. Bonnet Pwanga.  The Region of...

On this very beautiful day of the Feast of the Assumption, a new region of The Institute has just been born in Vietnam. We prepared for this special event with 24 hours adoration in each community. Like Mary at the feet of Jesus, we bring...

On the 1st of July, anniversary of M. Pilar’s definitive encounter with the Lord, we had the great joy of celebrating the First Vows of our sister Stefanny Coronel in the school chapel in Cochabamba. It was a ceremony marked by the deep significance of...

How joyful are the vigils of the great feasts. For the vows of Juliana we gathered for Vespers-adoration, where there was an atmosphere of joy, friendship, affection, sharing, reminiscence, where Jesus exposed for the adoration of the community occupied the central place. We had spent several...

Yes, that’s how it was. Only two weeks, but the voices of the 20 or so children who attend the Schools of Peace of the San Egidio Communities were heard in the gardens of the General Curia in Rome. As the place where they work during...