
It is a privilege, as we begin the GC, to retrace the history of the beginnings of the Institute in Madrid. As Father Elías Royón, SJ, reminded us, knowing the roots of our history, remembering it with gratitude, allows us to recreate the present in...

This morning's prayer placed us in the heart of Love: the Heart of the Father. Through Jesus we know this heart and its preferences. Jesus tells us that his Father has revealed himself to the little ones (Mt 11:47). The wisdom of the Kingdom is...

Participating in a perpetual profession is always a great joy, but that joy is even greater when it is the profession of the first three Timorese Handmaids of the Sacred Heart: Fina Barreto, Mingas Magno and Jefa de Deus. They have given their definitive yes...

We have landed in Madrid! We are 48 women, coming together from all the places where the Institute is present for General Congregation XXI. Meeting each other is a gift! In the uncertainty that the pandemic gives to our proceedings, we have arrived and we...

The prior commission is an official commission, prior to the General Congregation, which finalizes the preparation of the same, through an in-depth study of the postulates (RCG 13). For that reason their work is deemed to be part of the General Congregation and so this...

The final profession of Oanh and Michelle (United States Province) Our final profession may have looked different if we weren’t in the middle of a sudden surge in our ongoing pandemic: more family, friends and sisters would have been able to be present, we might have...